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The Differences Between Leasing a Beat and Buying Exclusive Rights

Jan 11, 2023 by Malek - 0 Comments

You’ve finally finished writing the perfect song. The only thing standing between you and music stardom is the beat. Do you lease it or buy exclusive rights? Both options have their pros and cons, so it’s important to understand the difference before making your decision.

Leasing a Beat

When you lease a beat, you’re essentially renting it from the producer for a set period of time. During that time, you have the right to use the beat for your song but the producer still owns the beat. Once the lease is up, you can’t use the beat anymore unless you renew the lease or buy exclusive rights. Leasing a beat is a good option if you’re just starting out or if you want to test out a beat before committing to buying it.

The downside of leasing a beat is that other artists can lease the same beat and use it for their own songs. This means that there’s a chance your song could sound similar to another artist’s song if you’re both using the same beat. Additionally, leased beats usually come with usage restrictions, so it’s important to read the fine print before purchasing a beat lease.

Buying Exclusive Rights

When you buy exclusive rights to a beat, you’re purchasing all rights to the beat from the producer. This means that once you’ve bought the beat, no one else can use it and you can use it however you want without any usage restrictions. Buying exclusive rights is a good option if you’re serious about your music career and if you want your song to stand out from other songs using leased beats.

The downside of buying exclusive rights is that it tends to be more expensive than leasing a beat. If you decide to buy exclusive rights, make sure you negotiate with the producer first. You may be able to get a discount by agreeing to purchase an exclusive rights package of beats as opposed to just one.

There’s no right or wrong answer when it comes to leasing vs. buying beats. It ultimately depends on your needs and budget as an artist. If you’re just starting out, leasing a beat may be a better option since it’s less expensive and allows you to test out different beats before settling on one that you love. However, if you’re serious about your music career and want your songs to stand out from others, buying exclusive rights may be worth the investment.

How to Set Music Goals for 2023

Jan 05, 2023 by Malek - 0 Comments

It’s a new year and that means it’s time for new music goals! Whether you’re an aspiring singer, songwriter, or rapper, setting goals is an essential part of furthering your career in music. But what are some good goals to set? And how can you make sure you achieve them? Here are a few tips to get you started.

Set Achievable Goals

When setting your goals, it’s important to be realistic. There’s no point in setting a goal that’s impossible to achieve. Not only will you be setting yourself up for disappointment, but you’ll also be demotivating yourself. So instead of aiming for something that’s out of reach, set achievable goals that you know you can reach if you put in the work.

Make A Plan

Once you’ve set your goals, it’s time to make a plan on how to achieve them. This step is crucial because it gives you a roadmap to follow and keeps you accountable. Without a plan, it’s all too easy to get sidetracked or give up entirely. So take the time to sit down and map out how you’re going to achieve your goals. What steps do you need to take? What resources do you need? Who can help you along the way? Answering these questions will help keep you on track.

Measure Your Progress

Measuring your progress is key to staying motivated and on track. When you can see how far you’ve come, it’ll be easier to stay focused on your goal and pushing forward. Plus, it’ll give you a sense of accomplishment every time you reach a milestone. There are various ways to measure your progress, so find what works best for you and documentation is always important when pursuing anything creative. 

For example, if your goal is to write 10 songs this year, keep track of how many songs you write each month. Or if your goal is to land 10 gigs this year, keep track of the gigs you book each month. Seeing your progress in black and white will not only help keep you motivated; it’ll also help push you to exceed your original goal. 

And speaking of exceeding your original goal… 

Don’t Be Afraid To Dream Bigger 

Aspirations are meant to be challenged. Once you reach one goal, don’t be afraid to set another one that’s even bigger and better. After all, what’s the fun in achieving something if there’s nothing left to strive for? So keep pushing yourself—you may just surprise yourself with what you’re capable of achieving.


Setting music goals might seem daunting at first, but by following these simple steps—setting achievable goals, making a plan, measuring your progress, and dreaming big – you’ll be well on your way towards a successful 2023! Best of luck and please keep me posted on how things are going on achieving your musical goals this year.
